BridgeStation (FSW IT Solutions)

Stand A07
BridgeStation is the complete asset management tool for bridges and structures. BridgeStation can manage your: • Inventory – Record structure details, specify elements and detail routes/obstacles • Performance – Schedule inspections, manage load capacity and log defects • Reporting – Calculate BCI conditions, design reports and view GIS mapping • Modelling – Create life cycle plans, value your assets and prioritise maintenance The system is cloud-based and can be accessed from site or from the office - wherever you have an internet connection you can access BridgeStation.



  • BridgeStation


BridgeStation | Advanced Bridge Management System
BridgeStation | Advanced Bridge Management System
Developed for bridge engineers by bridge engineers BridgeStation is the complete cloud-based asset management tool for bridges and structures. Built-in modules help local authorities implement the latest national guidance for structure asset management. Manage your inventory, record structure details, specify elements and routes/obstacles. Record structure performance, schedule inspections, manage load capacity and log defects. Calculate BCI conditions, design reports and view GIS mapping. Create life cycle plans, value your assets and prioritise maintenance.