W D M Ltd

Stand A09
Bristol-based W.D.M. Limited offers the complete highway asset management solution to governments and local highway authorities. The UK’s leading manufacturer and provider of highway survey and monitoring equipment is the only licensed manufacturer worldwide of the Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (SCRIM®) and has a unique understanding of highway maintenance and asset management. WDM® is also the UK’s largest survey contractor, serving all UK Government agencies and 90% of local authorities, and also works extensively worldwide, providing both survey equipment, software solutions and consultancy services. The WDM Highway Infrastructure Asset Management System (HIAMS) is a proven suite of applications enabling Highway Authorities and their Contractors to manage all facets of the road. HIAMS modules link functions including asset management, collisions, customer enquiries, defects, structures, routine maintenance and works orders, street works, street lighting, UKPMS and more into a single integrated system.


  • WDM Asset Management System (390.74 KiB)
    The WDM® Pavement Management System provides a unique central data source of survey data relating to the condition of the highway network. These datasets can be used to provide a dynamic, network-wide, condition based, asset management system. The required maintenance in the life of a pavement is considered as three distinct categories: • Structural Condition or Strength • Functional or Ride Quality • Safety
  • WDM Integrated Asset Management Overview (196.62 KiB)
    Using a common network referencing model, it is possible to provide an Integrated Highway Asset Management System. This enables the user to link Pavement Condition data with Accidents, Structures/Bridges, Highway Inventory, Customer Services, Routine Maintenance Instructions, Works Orders, Street works and Street Lighting databases.
  • Web Structures Inspection (WSI) (710.68 KiB)
    Web Structures Inspection (WSI) is mobile inspection software allowing inspectors to undertake Principal, General, Demand & Condition Inspections on a wide range of structures including Bridges and Retaining Walls. All inspections are compliant with the County Surveyors Society (CSS) Inspection rules. Multi-span and/or multi construction form structures are easily accommodated, including the functionality to survey spans on different dates to accommodate traffic management demands. Additional Spans or Construction Forms can be added on site, updating the main WDM Structures Management System on completion.
  • Structures Management System (0.82 MiB)
    The WDM® Structures Management System (SMS) provides a minimal risk solution, featuring a user defined asset base, enabling the user to define structure types, geometry and components of the structure. This allows the user to manage all structure types within the scope of BD 62/07 as-built and operational records for highway structures.